domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Online Games

Young People have a O-game Count, Lineage Count, or Plays WoW (World of Warcraft). There are Online Games, in these games you can play with people from all the world. This Games are play in internet. In Some Games, you have to pay to play, the much famous game of Pay are "WOW" "World of Warcraft". But i prefer the free games online, example: O-Game, Star Craft, Meetin, Second Life, Urban Warriors and more milions of games. I Like Rol Plays, for example "Neverwinter Nights", in wich play, you have a rol, (a wizard, a elf, a troll....) and you flight witg other players in the web. These Games are Funny and Enjoys, but sometimes they arrive to be adicted.

Its Morning, 25th of march, 18 promotion is going to the last travel with his frends of classrom.
We went to Italy and we see four cities: Roma, Venecia, Florencia and Pisa.
We traveled by bus to Barcelona, and we spent the day there. After, at night, we get the boat to go to Italy.
The cities that we visited: Roma is a City of tourism (Coliseum, and more monuments)
The second city that we visited was Venecia, the worst, i lost in this city..
We going two days in Florencia, and we visited all of city and the better: Nigth, one day a group of people are in the hotel, when our classmates go to disco.
The second nigth all go to the Disco, we dancing very a lot! (and me and my orange glasses)
Last dat we went to Pisa, and i eat a Pizza.
One of the Better's Travel in my life.

lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Costa Rica is a country in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the east and south, the Pacific Ocean to the west and south and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Costa Rica, one of the consolidated democracies more of America, has maintained a good stability political, in spite of the economic and social difficulties of last the two decades.

they have happened through two battles In the city of Rivas, Nicaragua, two famous battles of the Central American war against the filibusteros of William Walker took place. In first battle de Rivas, that took place the 11 of April of 1856, the forces of the army of Costa Rica, directed personally by President Juan Rafael Blackberry Clubs, In the second battle of Rivas, that took place the 11 of April of 1857, the combined forceses of the five Central American countries, directed by Costa Rican General Jose Joaquin Blackberry Clubs

Guns N' Roses is an American rock band, formed in Los Angeles, California in 1985. The band, led by frontman and co-founder Axl Rose, guitarists Slash and Izzy Stradlin, bear Duff McKagan and battery Steven Adler.Guns N' Roses has sold an estimated 100 million albums worldwide, including over 42 million in the United States. The band's 1987 major label debut album Appetite for Destruction has sold in excess of 28 million copies and reached number one on the United States Billboard 200. In addition, the album charted three Top 10 hits on the Billboard Hot 100, including "Sweet Child O' the moment Slash does not belong to guns n rouses.


William of Ockham (1288 - 1348) was an English Franciscan friar and scholastic philosopher, from Ockham, a small village in Surrey.
Guillermo he was poor, he died for Black Death. He studied theology at the University of Oxford from 1309 to 1321, but never completed his master's. Because of this, he acquired the byname Venerabilis Inceptor, or Worthy Beginner (although he was also).A pioneer of nominalism, some consider him the father of modern epistemologyt and many scholars have thought that Ockham was summoned before the Papal court of Avignon in 1324 under charges of heresy,

The most importan works:

Philosophical writings

Summa logicae (c. 1323), Paris 1448, Bologna 1498, Venice 1508, Oxford 1675.
Quaestiones in octo libros physicorum, (before 1327), Rome 1637.
Summulae in octo libros physicorum, (before 1327), Venice 1506.
Quodlibeta septem (before 1327), Paris 1487.
Expositio aurea super artem veterem Aristotelis, 1323.
Major summa logices, Venice 1521
Quaestiones in quattuor libros sententiarum, Lyons, 1495.
Centilogium theologicum, Lyons 1495.
Theological writings
Questiones earumque decisiones, Lyons 1483.
Quodlibeta septem, Paris 1487, Strasbourg 1491.
Centilogium, Lyons 1494.
De sacramento altaris and De corpore christi, Strasbourg 1491, Venice 1516.
Tractatus de sacramento allans.

Political writings

Opus nonaginta dierum (1332), Leuven 1481, Lyons 1495.
Dialogus*, (begun in 1332) Paris 1476. Lyons 1495.
Super potestate summi pontificis octo quaestionum decisiones (1344).
Tractatus de dogmatibus Johannis XXII papae (1333–34).
Epistola ad fratres minores, (1334).
De jurisdictione imperatoris in causis matrimonialibus, Heidelberg 1598.
Breviloquium de potestate tyrannica (1346)
De imperatorum et pontifcum potestate also known as 'Defensorium'(1348)