domingo, 21 de junio de 2009

Online Games

Young People have a O-game Count, Lineage Count, or Plays WoW (World of Warcraft). There are Online Games, in these games you can play with people from all the world. This Games are play in internet. In Some Games, you have to pay to play, the much famous game of Pay are "WOW" "World of Warcraft". But i prefer the free games online, example: O-Game, Star Craft, Meetin, Second Life, Urban Warriors and more milions of games. I Like Rol Plays, for example "Neverwinter Nights", in wich play, you have a rol, (a wizard, a elf, a troll....) and you flight witg other players in the web. These Games are Funny and Enjoys, but sometimes they arrive to be adicted.

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